Shree Narayana hospital

Wellness Program


Shree Narayana Hospital offers wellness program for the society like online health tips and tool, magazines, health awareness, conferences and community for exchange. The aim of the program is to make aware the community that how can potential disease be prevented as we believe that the best way to cure any disease is to prevent it in the first stage.

The medium though which the program is run by training and awareness, camps, SMS service, our website and online news letter subscription. These programs are run by our doctor team/volunteers, who take care of all activities and ensure it effectiveness. Training and awareness are carried at the conference room of the hospital which is been architect with the state of art.

Shree Narayana’s Wellness Program provides ongoing prevention, screening and educational offerings formen, women, seniors and children and is one of the most comprehensive programs in the region. Its ongoing goal is to identify community health needs and respond with appropriate prevention programs.